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BBC: Ladybird Book

To advertise the BBC's online shopping portal, I wrote a classic 1970s style Ladybird book describing how the internet works. 50,000 copies sold through WHSmith. In 2017, Sir Tim Berners-Lee signed both the title page and the page that featured his first ever website. Created for HHCL with Jim Bolton.



In 2015, I realised that I didn't have a signed copy of the Ladybird Book I had written for the BBC back in 2000, and that Sir Tim-Berners Lee (who I had an email exchange with during the writing process) didn't have a copy at all. I sent him two to MIT where he was working plus a $10 note to cover the cost to send my one back - he created the web for free so why pay postage? Anyway, he sent the signed book back and the $10!

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